Survivor 41 Episode 10 Exit Interview with the Eleventh Player Voted Out

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Survivor 41 Episode 10 Exit Interview with the Eleventh Player Voted Out

Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) is back to interview the eleventh player voted out of Survivor 41. This week, Rob speaks with Shan Smith from the Viakana tribe after she was voted out of the game by a 3-3-2 vote and 6-0 revote. Rob and Shan discuss her early days on the Ua tribe, making relationships with nearly every player, her relationship with Ricard in particular, how they battled through all the losing, and what her original plan going into the merge. They also talk about her alliance from the summit with Liana, how concerned she felt about Deshawn, her huge blindside, and more from her 19-day tenure in the game.

Shan is a 34-year old Pastor originally from Toronto, Ontario who currently resides in Washington, DC. She said that she would play a game similar to Kim Spradlin-Wolfe in terms of being strategic, similar to Tai Trang in terms of building relationships, and with a little bit of Parvati Shallow mixed in. She said that her strong work ethic, self-discipline, reverence for God in others, and her attitude of gratefulness, among other things, would lead her to the victory of Sole Survivor.

Schedule of the RHAP Survivor 41 Episode 10 Podcasts

  • 11/24 @ 9:15 PM ET – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Know-It-Alls with Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach
  • 11/26 – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Recap with Rob Cesternino and Jamal Shipman
  • 11/26 @ 12 PM ET – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Stockwatch with Taran Armstrong and Lita Brillman
  • 11/27 – Survivor 41 Episode 10 RHAP B&B with Mike Bloom, Liana Boraas, and Brian Cohen
  • 11/27 – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Why ____ Lost with David Bloomberg and Jessica Lewis
  • 11/28 – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Feedback with Rob Cesternino and Shannon Guss
  • 11/28 – Survivor 41 November Wandoff with Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler
  • 11/29 – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Exit Interview with Rob Cesternino and Shan Smith
  • 11/29 @ 7 PM ET – Survivor 41 Episode 10 Patron Q&A with Rob Cesternino and Jenny Autumn

Past RHAP Survivor 41 Exit Interviews

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