Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Corinne’s Brutal Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X Cast Assessment Rob CesterninoSeptember 12, 2016
Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Survivor 2014: Corinne Kaplan’s BRUTAL Cast Assessment of San Juan Del Sur Rob CesterninoSeptember 19, 2014
We Know Survivor, Survivor: Caramoan Corinne Kaplan’s Survivor Caramoan Exit Interview Rob CesterninoApril 4, 2013
We Know Survivor, Survivor: One World Sh*t Corinne Says: Brutal First Impressions of the New Cast from Corinne Kaplan Rob CesterninoFebruary 4, 2012
Survivor: South Pacific, We Know Survivor Corinne Kaplan Previews the Survivor South Pacific Cast Rob CesterninoSeptember 5, 2011