RHAPpy Hour | Big Brother OTT Update | Sunday, October 9th

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Big Brother Canada’s Jordan Parhar and the Live Feed Correspondents (Alex Kidwell, Taran Armstrong and Brent Wolgamott) catch you up on the happenings from Big Brother OTT LIVE!

Jordan is joined by The LFC (Alex Kidwell, Brent Wolgamott, and Taran Armstrong) to discuss Week 2 of Big Brother Over The Top based on what’s been happening on the live feeds. After discussing how Kryssie used her Care Package and Alex’s expected nominations they get into:

  • Why Danielle is saying one of her moves was better than Dan’s Funeral
  • Who America is expected to target
  • Alex’s rising popularity
  • The 6 other Care Packages that will show up this season
  • Why BBOTT is like Mario Party
  • Paulie Calafiore’s singing and dancing abilities
  • And much more!

Join us LIVE Wednesday night at 9PM Pacific / 12AM Eastern as we discuss the second live eviction!

Join Us for a IN-PERSON Recap of Big Brother LIVE!
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CBS All Access Big Brother OTT Schedule
(click image for larger view)


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