Big Brother 2014: Joey Van Pelt Exit Interview, First Evictee from BB16

Big Brother 2014: Rob Cesternino Interview the first houseguest evicted from Big Brother 16, Joey Van Pelt[/caption] Click to Subscribe to Our BIG BROTHER podcast feed on iTunes Click to Subscribe to Our BIG BROTHER podcast feed on iTunes[/caption]

This past Thursday night, Joey Van Pelt was the first player evicted from Big Brother 16 by a vote of 13-0.  Joey joins Rob Cesternino to discuss her time in the game and thoughts on why her women’s alliance didn’t work out.

Exit Interview Podcast with Joey Van Pelt, the first player evicted from Big Brother 16

In this interview, Rob asks Joey about the following topics from her time in the game?

  • The vote was 13-0, was there anybody in particular that you felt betrayed by after not receiving their vote?
  • What are Joey’s thoughts about Devin now that she’s seen the episodes?  Was Joey flattered that Devin called her a 10 out of 10.
  • Joey started up the all-girl female alliance in the house on the first night. At what point did Joey suspect that it wasn’t working?
  • Once there was such a backlash against the idea of the women’s alliance, did Joey feel like she had stumbled on to proof that there definitely was a guy’s alliance?
  • Why does Joey think the women’s alliance didn’t work?
  • What was the thought process behind creating the Alex character?
  • What were Joey’s feelings towards Caleb in the house?
  • How disappointed was she as the first member of Team America to not have gotten to attempt any of the Team America tasks?
  • Just how difficult was it to be a have-not this season?
  • Who is Joey rooting for to be the winner of the season?
  • How did Joey end up going from being a make-up artist in Seattle to being in the Big Brother house this summer?
  • What did Joey end up learning about herself during her time in the house?

Be sure to join us for our next show on Wednesday night at 9:15 pm ET with Kara Monaco from Big Brother 14 and then again on Thursday night at 10:15 pm with Big Brother 14‘s winner, Ian Terry.  Also, Rob will speak with the second player evicted on Friday morning on Rob Has a Podcast.

Show Links

Live Podcast with Brendan & Rachel – Join us on Sunday, 7/20 at the Hollywood Improv for a live recording of our Big Brother podcast with Brenchel.

Listen to Sunday’s Big Brother Recap with Judd Daugherty

Big Brother 2014: Recap of BB16 Episode 6 with Judd Daugherty LIVE on Sunday, July 6th
Big Brother 2014: Recap of BB16 Episode 6 with Judd Daugherty LIVE on Sunday, July 6th

Check out our Sunday Night Big Brother recap with our interview with Judd Daugherty from Big Brother 15.

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