Big Brother 2014: BB16 Finale Recap and Winner Reaction

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Rob Cesternino hosts the Big Brother 16 Finale recap after #BB16 Episode 40 on Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 with Big Brother 14 winner Ian Terry and Live Feed correspondent Brian Lynch

Derrick Levasseur wins Big Brother 16 by a vote of 7-2 to become the winner of Big Brother 16 over Cody; Donny wins America’s favorite BB16 Houseguest

In our Big Brother 16 Finale recap, Rob talks with Brian and Ian about the following topics:

  • Did the votes that Jocasta and Donny cast for Cody cost Derrick the elusive Big Brother “perfect game”?
  • Just how good was Derrick compared to Dr. Will and Dan Gheesling?
  • How big of a blunder did Cody make by not taking Victoria to the Final 2?
  • Did Cody or Woo make a bigger mistake in their Final 2 selections in 2014?
  • Who was the better Reality TV police officer winner, Derrick or Tony Vlachos on Survivor Cagayan?
  • Can we consider Donny a bitter juror for not voting for Derrick in the end?
  • Who did casting get right and wrong with their selections for this season of Big Brother?
  • How shocked was Frankie that he did not place in the top 3 for America’s Favorite Houseguest?
  • Why did Rob not enjoy the Dr. Will segment with the jury as much as he was hoping to?
  • Would Derrick have still won the game had it not been for the creation of Team America?
  • Which of the houseguests will be the most annoyed when they learn all about Team America?
  • At what point will the Big Brother contestants start tweeting from their accounts?

Big Brother Live Feed Bingo

Since nobody won the conventional way on Big Brother Bingo, we are going to award the $500 prize to the person that got the most squares checked off on their card.  We will also award a second prize of $150 to the player that has the second most squares checked off.  If there is a tie, we will combine the prize pool and split it.  If you think that your card could be a winner, e-mail it to ROB and we’ll begin to verify your entry.


Big Brother 2014: LIVE Recap of the BB16 Finale and Winner Reaction on Wednesday, September 24th - Will Derrick, Cody or Victoria become the newest winner?
Big Brother 2014: LIVE Recap of the BB16 Finale and Winner Reaction on Wednesday, September 24th – Will Derrick, Cody or Victoria become the newest winner?
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