LIVE at 9:15 pm ET / 6:15 pm PT, Rob Cesternino hosts the Big Brother 16 recap after #BB16 Episode 39 on Friday, September 19th, 2014 with Live Feed correspondent Brian Lynch
In this episode Rob and Brian discussed the events of episode 39 and live feeds including:
- Is Derrick’s real alliance with Cody or Victory?
- Does Derrick really want to be the final HOH?
- Is Cody completely disregarding Derrick and Victoria’s relationship?
- Does Victoria think she has a chance to win the game?
- How ridiculous Devin was at the beginning of the season with the bomb squad and his house meeting.
- Did everyone get a good edit? Why we didn’t get to see much of Christine, Jocasta, Brittany and Joey/Alex?
- Will Cody stand a chance against Derrick if they both make it to the final 2?
- Will Frankie be able to persuade the jury to vote for Victoria to win the game? What will Zach’s reaction to Frankie when he arrives at the jury house?
- Who will be the most disappointed when they watch the show back after?
- Which is better a longer season of Big Brother or a shorter season of Big Brother?
- Can the members of Team America tell the jury about Team America? If Joey was not evicted who would not have been apart of Team America.
- Who are the players that we could possible see in a future all-stars season?
- What will Derrick, Cody and Victoria say in their final 2 speeches?
- Who won the first part of the final HOH competition?
- Who do we expect to win the second part of the HOH competition?
Rob said a very fond farewell to Brian as this will be his last season as the live feed correspondent for RHAP.
Special Thanks to Shane Gallagher for tonight’s episode recap