The Bachelor

Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Week 4 Podcast | The Couples Solidify Amid New Arrivals

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Amy and Haley talk about the highs and lows of week 4 of Bachelor in Paradise, as new arrivals Blake, Fred, and the twins Emily and Haley hit road bumps on their last-minute road to love.
In this podcast, they talk about:
  • the arrivals of Blake, Fred, Jaimi, and twins Emily and Haley
  • the quick elimination of Blake and Fred at the rose ceremony
  • Blake and Christen and Dominique and Fred going on a double date
  • Ben Z choosing to leave paradise
  • Robby and Amanda’s one-on-one date
  • Dean and Kristina’s break-up and Kristina leaving at the rose ceremony
  • Kristina and Raven’s fight
  • Diggy planning a mini date for Dominique
  • Jaimi and Diggy going on a one-on-one date and Dominique’s reaction
  • Jack Stone’s kissing abilities
  • the twins having their sights set on Derek and Dean
  • Jack Stone bailing out of a date with the twins and the twins reactions leaving paradise
  • the strength of various couples
  • predictions for the final episode of the show
  • listener questions and more!
Follow Amy (@RHAPrecapper) and Haley (@hstrong_) on Twitter and share your thoughts in the comments!

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