Ask Dr. Christian Hubicki 2.0 | RHAP AMA

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Ask Dr. Christian Hubicki 2.0 | RHAP AMA

Back in November, Rob Cesternino teamed up with Dr. Christian Hubicki (@chubicki) to answer your most sought after questions, just in time for Thanksgiving. To brighten up your winter holidays, this Survivor: David vs Goliath brochacho is back to respond to more of your most pressing thoughts. Introducing “Ask Dr. Christian Hubicki 2.0,” a podcast dedicated to hearing Christian’s takes on Survivor, science, the holidays, and more!

Have you ever wondered what happens inside a black hole? Or perhaps what Christian’s favorite Christmas movie is? You’re in luck, as Christian answers these questions and more in today’s AMA. Plus, this professor may even enlighten listeners on the key to happiness. With a wide breadth of questions and concise, detailed responses, get ready to unwrap this RHAP present waiting in your podcast feed.

Have any unanswered questions for Christian? Share all of your thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging @RobHasAPodcast and using the hashtag #RHAP!

In case you missed it, check out Christian’s first AMA: Ask Dr. Christian Hubicki

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Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor, Big Brother & Reality TV
Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor, Big Brother & Reality TV
Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino | RHAP Productions

The ultimate Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino, leads the RHAP network as we bring you all of the best commentary and interviews around SURVIVOR, BIG BROTHER, THE TRAITORS, THE AMAZING RACE and much more.

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