Big Brother Canada 5 | Final 4 Exit Interviews – May 19, 2017

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Exit Interview with the Winner of Big Brother Canada 5, as well as the rest of the Final 4.

Each Friday after Big Brother Canada, Rob Cesternino talks with the latest player voted out of the game on our exit interview podcast.  This week, Rob talks with the winner of  BBCan5, Kevin Martin, as well as the rest of the final 4, Karen Singbeil, Demetres Giannitsos and Ika Wong.

Big Brother Canada airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT, and Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global.

Be sure to check out last night’s (Thursday, May 18th) live recap of the BBCan5 Finale hosted by Taran Armstrong where he is joined by the entire LFC, Brent Wolgamott, Alex Kidwell and Melissa Deni.

Big Brother Canada 5 | Thursday May 18 Finale Recap (Photo: Global TV/Corus Entertainment)
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