Rob Cesternino and Brian Lynch recap the first Sunday night Big Brother 16 episode of the season. Then Rob and Brian will discuss everything that happened on the first weekend of Live Feeds and discuss Brian’s first alliance chart of the season.
Brittany & Victoria defeat Donny and Paola in the first Battle of the Block, Devin goes AWOL on the Bomb Squad and Brian Lynch’s first Big Brother 16 alliance chart of the season.
Rob and Brian discuss Episode 3 of Big Brother 16 and address the following issues:
- How far can Christine and Nicole go with the female nerd alliance?
- How many people are too many people to add to an alliance?
- Is the Bomb Squad more “The Brigade” or “The Moving Company”?
- Is the show trying to tell us that the women in the house are not smart?
- Is it better to have an alliance with God or an alliance with Devin?
- Was there any fallout between Frankie and Caleb over Frankie NOT nominating a man and a woman?
- Why did Devin seem to enjoy taking advantage of Donny?
- How historically bad has Devin’s play been in the first week of Big Brother?
- Why does Rob feel like what happened tonight was so troubling about Devin’s future in the game?
- What were the big stories that Brian is reporting from the live feeds?

Click to See Brian’s Latest Alliance Chart (Contains Live Feed Spoilers Thru 6/29)

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