Big Brother 2014: Dan Gheesling on the BB16 Final Four Eviction

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Derrick nominates Victoria and Caleb for eviction, Cody wins the Veto and then Cody evicts Caleb from the Big Brother 16 house.

Rob Cesternino hosts the Big Brother 16 recap after #BB16 Episode 38 on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 with Big Brother 10 winner Dan Gheesling and Live Feed correspondent Brian Lynch.

In this episode Rob and Dan discuss the events of tonight’s Final Four eviction including:

  • How great of a game has Derrick played?  How does it stack up against some of the past Big Brother great games?  How much should we penalize Derrick for not playing against any other “great” players?
  • What does Dan Gheesling think about Derrick potentially getting an extra $10,000 for reaching the end of the game?
  • What did Rob and Dan think of Frankie’s speech that he is now the most powerful player in the game?  How does Rob think that could affect the jury vote on Wednesday night?
  • Did Cody’s speech to Caleb about Derrick and Cody’s alliance actually screw up Derrick’s game with Victoria?
  • Why was Caleb a perfect ally for Derrick in this game?
  • Should Derrick play again as an All-Star?  What about Frankie returning to the game?
  • How should Derrick play the final HoH challenge?  Is it in his best interest to win out or should he let Cody or Victoria win and then have them oust the other person and take Derrick to the Final 3?
  • What does think about the idea of facing Derrick in a future season?
  • Which player does Dan think has been treated unfairly this season?
  • Does Dan Gheesling prefer Sons of Anarchy or Dexter?

Be sure to join us again LIVE on Friday night for our podcast recap of Friday’s episode followed by our coverage of the Big Brother 16 finale on Wednesday, September 24th at 11:15 pm ET / 8:15 pm PT

Also be on the lookout for Corinne Kaplan’s brutal first impressions of the Survivor San Juan Del Sur cast and our Amazing Race 25 preview with Jessica Liese coming this weekend.

Check out Dan Gheesling’s Reality TV Casting Video Series

Big Brother 2014: BB16 Eviction LIVE after Episode 38 with Dan Gheesling
Big Brother 2014: BB16 Eviction LIVE after Episode 38 with Dan Gheesling
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