LIVE at 9:15 pm ET / 6:15 pm PT, Rob Cesternino (@robcesternino) and Brian Lynch (@lynchmgm) are joined by the winner of Big Brother 15 Andy Herren (@andyherren) to recap Episode 13 of Big Brother 16.
After Victoria won the Power of Veto, Cody considers backdooring Caleb before deciding to put up Donny in her place on the latest Big Brother 16.
The podcast starts off somber with the news of the passing of Frankie’s grandfather. Frankie has been notified and given a letter, with Frankie electing to stay in the game per his grandfather’s wishes.
Onto the episode, Rob thought it was a 40-minute tease to Caleb going up as the replacement with nothing coming from it as Donny was nominated. Andy wasn’t sure about which move was best for Cody as both Caleb and Donny had merits. Rob and Andy both agreed Brittany really isn’t a threat to Cody and Derrick and Frankie both wanted Brittany out more than Cody did.
Andy thought Donny is shrewder than he lets on but won’t come after Cody because he has bigger fish to fry. Rob compared this game to the beginning on Big Brother 15 and Andy agreed, comparing the Detonators to the Helen/Amanda alliance. Andy thought the big alliance will fracture sooner rather than later and this will hurt Frankie and Derrick more than anyone else.
Brian hasn’t heard anyone discussing comparing Frankie’s game to Andy’s; however, Rob thought the two are playing very similar currently. Andy agreed but thought that Frankie’s need to be the center of attention in everything will lead to his downfall. Rob and Andy both agreed that Christine is playing more like Andy and is currently in the best position.
Rob commented that Zach seems to be getting more confident with his game and as he does it comes out in the diary room. Andy agreed but think’s Zach’s overzealousness and impulsiveness will get him into trouble in the long run.
Rob and Andy both agreed that Victoria’s edit makes it seem like someone in production is not happy with her, but Andy liked how she is unintentionally funny and feeds gold. Andy compared her to a combination of Elissa and Jessie, and her aloofness will result in others dragging her to the end because of her expendability.
Andy thinks Derrick is a good player but his strong play will out him in early jury when the Detonators break and he becomes a big target, but Brian countered, saying no one is having those conversations about Derrick yet. Brian said that the Detonators’ target next week will be Caleb if they have the power.
On this week of Guiding Amber Caleb entered #StealthModeCowboy and caught Cody and Amber red-handed, then proceeded to shoot daggers at them while holding a fake dagger. Andy thinks Cody is making a mistake being so close to Amber knowing the way Caleb feels. Brian thinks the show is portraying the #BBLoveTriangle well and that Amber is playing up to Caleb’s emotions for her own game. Brian and Andy agreed that the false hope she is giving him is resulting in a lot of mixed signals.
Rob’s favorite scene was the romcom-esque meet up of dejected Caleb and somber Brittany in the backyard both talking at each other.
It’s time for the Veto competition! Caleb “won” the Yankee swap, World Cup inspired comp but decided to take $5000 over the Power of Veto, resulting in Victoria winning and Caleb alienating some of his allies. Brian mentioned that Caleb is so out of the loop he thinks the Bomb Squad is still intact. Andy thought that the 2400 goals in 24 hours was the worst punishment BB has ever done.
Viewer Questions:
TheWipeout2001 asked:
“Hi Rob. Who do you think will make the Hell of Fame of Best Player for Their First Season?”
The panel was confused, wondering if there was indeed a Big Brother Hall of Fame.
Sheena123 asked:
“Andy if you were in this season who would you align with and why? #RHAP”
Andy really likes the alliance of Hayden, Nicole, and Christine. He also would like to work with Derrick but eventually cut him before the other 3. Andy thinks the Detonators properly trimmed the fat and is more compatible than the Moving Company ever was.
AmazingRaceKnowitall asked:
“Will the Detonators be the new Exterminators or are they not clever enough to succeed all the way?”
Rob and Andy agreed that the Detonators are more like the Brigade than the Exterminators.
Chris Banks asked:
“When do you see the Detonators exploding?”
Andy gave them 3 weeks before the fracture occurs.
Markstubation01 asked:
“Did Victoria prove herself in the comp? Or did her growing up a foreign country where soccer is popular give her an unfair advantage?”
Rob and Andy agreed that having soccer skill did not give any advantage in the comp. Brian thought her best move was making sure Caleb could get what he wants.
Michael G-M asked:
“Rob and company, how did Caleb ruin Cody’s game plan? Cody wants Brittany gone so he should be happy Caleb didn’t take the veto and save Brittany…”
Rob thought that logically Cody’s anger isn’t justified and he just doesn’t like Caleb period.
This week the feeds were a bit slow with the biggest story being Brittany is going to be evicted. On Tuesday night the houseguests received alcohol and Frankie unleashed his straight alter ego resulting in kisses with Victoria and Brittany. When asked about a relationship between Frank and Alex, Brian could only describe it as “strange”.
Nicole and Hayden gave feedsters the first kiss of the season with a late night make-out session. Andy voiced his displeasure for couple names. Brian said at this time the vote should be unanimous and Thursday’s show will be a bit boring and predictable.
Viewer Questions
Rlley Rage asked:
“Thoughts on the newest Team America challenge”
Team America’s challenge is to either A) hide someone’s belongings and blame someone else or B) get two houseguests to argue at a nomination ceremony or veto ceremony. Andy doesn’t like Team America or the MVP twist. Last night Caleb got his date with Amber and it was awkward, but Amber did open up a little bit. Andy thinks that Caleb will go through a mourning phase if Amber is evicted before him but won’t be as emotional as Gina Marie was over Nick.
Melisa Zorer asked:
“Because Frankie was informed about his grandpa’s passing I was wondering…has there been a time in other seasons where a houseguest’s family member has passed and the houseguest was informed about it?”
Rob knows that the Big Brother 2 contestants were told about the September 11th attacks and Monica was informed that her cousin was missing at the time. Andy said the diary room is very tight-lipped with regards to outside info and thinks family death would be one of the only times when a houseguest would be informed. Rob doesn’t know the Survivor policy when it comes to such tragedies.
Same Lane asked:
“Andy what do you think of Victoria’s gameplay?
P.S. You’re my ultimate favorite winner of BB ever; I love your floater rat face.”
Andy questioned if Victoria had a gameplay at all and doesn’t have an opinion as she has no gameplay. He gave her credit for popping into conversations, similar to what he did.
WadUp5 asked:
“Brittany seems like she was casted as a strong, female competitor. But she seems so defeated! Has she given up completely with the eviction being tomorrow?”
Brian thought that she hasn’t been completely defeated and has been campaigning a bit, but there is no chance for her to stay.
Spring Willis asked:
“Had Cody put Caleb up instead, do you think that Frankie and Derrick would have turned on Cody too? #RHAP”
Andy doesn’t think so, but there would’ve been a loss of trust. Rob is confused about Team America questioning the validity of the alliance. Brian thinks that it’s what’s saving Donny this week as he could easily be leaving over Brittany.
@NatalieChicago asked:
“Who has the most alliances and how long until they get found out for playing multiple sides? #BB16 #RHAP”
Brian and Andy both agreed that Derrick has the most alliances currently, though Frankie and Christine are not far behind. Andy said it’s hard to be in multiple alliances and you always have to be careful about who talks to whom.
@BB13Zizzman (Jack Zizzman) asked:
“#RHAP Are any of these girls’ heads in the game? The guys will just dump them 1 by 1. #BB16”
Andy disagreed, saying that Christine and Nicole definitely have their heads in the game and Amber is starting to.
Garrett Behr asked:
“Brian, did Caleb realize how close he was to being nominated or does he have no idea?”
Brian said Caleb had no idea.
Curtis Vanzandt asked:
“Why do you think that they have passed on two chances to get rid of a strong physical competitor in Caleb? LOVED your game by the way, Andy!”
Andy was very annoyed by Team America’s choice of Amber as a physical threat. He’s a bit surprised by the houseguest reluctance to get rid of the physical threats. Andy thinks the HoH will be a question competition and Jocasta will win it.
Be sure to check out Thursday’s show live after the eviction with Ian Terry at 10:15 PM ET / 7:15 PM PT to talk about the eviction and the new HoH. Then catch Rob’s interview with the latest evicted houseguest Friday morning.
Special thanks to Joshua Smith for tonight’s Episode Recap.