Amazing Race

Amazing Race: Australia | Finale RHAPup

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Amazing Race: Australia | Finale RHAPup

Looking to fill that travel and adventure void while we’re still at home quarantining? Amazing Race: Australia is back for season 5. It’s a super-sized and super-local season, currently airing on Channel 10 in Australia. Filmed exclusively in Australia due to pandemic-related restrictions, “The Amazing Race: Australia” involves 14 teams and spans 24 legs

Today, Dan Heaton and Sarah Carradine are back to discuss episodes 18-24 of Amazing Race: Australia season 5. Get ready for a finale recap as these two hosts run from leg to leg.

Are you in this season for the long haul or does it already have you bushwhacked? Let us know by dropping us a tweet! Make sure you tag Reality TV RHAPups (@rhapups) and use the hashtag #RHAP!

In case you missed it, Dan and Sarah caught up with Jessica Liese to discuss the series at-large and season 5 episodes 1-6. Listen to Amazing Race: Australia | Series Overview RHAP-Up here.

Race on over to Twitter to follow these hosts: 

Sarah Carradine: @sarahcarradine

Dan Heaton: @thedanheaton

Looking for more Amazing Race? Grab your Travelocity roaming gnome and check out these podcasts: 

Amazing Race: Australia | Mid-Season RHAP-Up

Amazing Race: Australia | Series Overview RHAP-Up

Amazing Race Recaps on Reality TV RHAPups
Amazing Race Recaps on Reality TV RHAPups
The Amazing Race All-Stars Recaps & Interviews with Rob Cesternino & Jessica Liese

Recaps and Interviews featuring Amazing Race US and Canada editions

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