LIVE at 9:15 pm ET / 6:15 pm PT, Rob Cesternino and Jessica Liese recap the season finale of The Amazing Race 25 LIVE on Friday, December 19th, 2014
Amy and Maya, The Sweet Scientists, win The Amazing Race 25 in the Season Finale on Friday, December 19, 2014
Rob Cesternino and Jessica Liese are live on Friday December 19th, recapping the finale of The Amazing Race 25, where we saw the sweet scientists become the third all female team to win The Amazing Race.
Rob did not consider the chance that Amy and Maya could win until 2 minutes into tonight’s episode, before that he had them completely written off. Jess had the same feeling when she saw all of the other teams starting to talk bad about Amy and Maya. When Rob met Amy and Maya at the survivor finale he thought they were bitter because they had lost but instead they were bitter because Rob did not think they would win.
Jess does not think that Amy and Maya will replace the Beekman boys as the team who we say “if they can win, anyone can” as towards the end Amy and Maya began to get stronger and Jess thinks that they have more finishes in the top have than the Beekman Boys.
Rob does not think that Brooke’s and Robbie should be annoyed that Amy and Maya were in this leg as Brooke and Robbie would of had no chance of winning. Rob feels that it should be Jim and Misty who should be annoyed that Amy and Maya did not get eliminated.
Rob is really surprised that Amy and Maya won tonight because there was three really strong teams: The Cyclists, The Dentists and Adam and Bethany. Rob notes that they never had them higher than fourth on their power rankings but Jess points out that she was never disappointed that Amy and Maya were still in the race.
Rob thought that the final leg was uneventful until the final challenge which he thought was great and rob felt that most of the leg was the teams trying to get around LA. Jess was annoyed that a lot of the tasks had little or no skill involved. Rob thought that it would have been a big advantage to have been from Los Angeles as there was a lot of traveling. Rob was surprised that all of the cab drivers just gave the racers they smartphones but Jess points out that they would be more inclined to give the racers their phones because of the cameras.
Rob loved how annoyed Brooke got tonight when she found out that Amy and Maya were not eliminated and he also liked the self awareness they had to say that if there is a challenge that involves intelligence they are going to be the ones eliminated.
Jess and Rob both were reminded of “The Californiains” sketch from Saturday Night Live when Brooke and Robbie were trying to get directions.
Jess found the stunt roadblock underwhelming because there was not skill involved, it reminded rob of the David Copperfield task from last season where there was no opportunity to gain any time on other teams. Rob thought the search and rescue task was for Adam and Bethany but Jess does not believe that. This task did nothing for Rob, he just felt it was boring and lacklustre.
Rob preferred Phil jumping out of nowhere to eliminated Brooke and Robbie instead of waiting at a point for them. Probably also thought that Phil was kinda mean to Robbie when Robbie expressed interest in doing the roadblock, Rob that he was a little passive aggressive. Rob would have loved if Phil jumped out of the building to tell Brooke and Robbie that they were eliminated.
However Rob really love the last challenge, he felt that it was very hard and very taxing especially after a month of racing. Jess felt it was a very good challenge but Jess does not think that it translated well to TV, although the she did like that concept and the toughness of it. Rob has to give a lot of credit to Amy after doing really well in this challenge after Maya getting the more positive edit this season. Jess was really happy that Amy was the MVP this leg especially because she had the injury and was the weaker team member for most of the race.
Jess was a little faked out by editing in the lead up to the pitstop, Jess thought that Jim and Misty might have passed Amy and Maya. Both Jess was really excited when Amy and Maya turned the corner first. Jess was really happy with their win because they are an all female team, they are fans of the race and they are a nerdy team. Jess would rank Amy and Maya above Jenna and Keash but below Nat and Kat in the all female team winner rankings.
Jess is very very annoyed at the concept for the next season. Jess feels that is the worst possible concept for a season that she could think of and Jess would not be surprised if The Amazing Race gets cancelled after this season.
Jess does not remember a final task as hard as the final task this season since season 12 where we say a multi layer logic puzzle.
Jess had to give Survivor the edge over the race for the fall season because the finale for survivor finished and started strong while the race was anticlimactic but over all both shows had a great fall season.
If Jess had to put an Amazing Race team on Survivor Blood vs Water she would pick Jim and Misty and if she had to pick a Survivor pair to go on the race Jess would pick Kelley and Dale so Dale will become less bitter against racers but her real pick is Keith and Wes to go on the race.
Special thanks to Shane Gallagher for these recaps all season long!
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