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Rob Cesternino and Jessica Liese recap Episode 4 of The Amazing Race 25 LIVE on Friday, October 17, 2014 where The Dentists were SAVED by a Non-Elimination leg.
Before this episode Rob liked the thought of the save because it would replace a non-elimination leg but he does not think like that now. Jess thinks it is way too powerful now, she named it the Tyler Perry save. She also thinks that it should be handed over before Phil says anything like the hidden immunity idol on Survivor. Rob concludes that the fact that Jim and Missy didn’t have to use their save prove that The Amazing Race is not fixed.
Jess thought she would see a leg like this for Jim and Missy but she didn’t think she would see it this soon. However Rob was expecting this especially after we saw the flashback of Jim and Missy saying how they are going to win.
Jess thought Shelly and Nici’s mat meltdown was really uncomfortable. She thought that Nici was incredibly passive aggressive, Jess thought that Shelly had a right to be mad at the end but she didn’t agree about her being mad the whole leg. Rob and Jess noticed that Phil seemed to be out of patience with Shelly and Nice, Jess doesn’t remember Phil being this impatience since season 6. Jess is team nobody at the moment, she thinks that they are both in the wrong.
Rob and Jess thought that the cyclist ran a flawless leg, Jess thought that they completed a reverse 5 hole. The cyclist proved Rob and Jess right about their power rankings last week.
Rob thought Robbie and Brook were very funny this leg, especially when Brooke wanted to park in the “Handy Man’s spot” and when Robbie was on the bike. Also when Robbie was doing the roadblock and trying to make the sandwiches more appetizing.
This leg Tim and TeJay got major points from Jess this leg when they knew the capitals of the top of their head.
Jess thought that the “Sweet Scientists” had a pretty solid leg and she also liked the embrow face that she gave Phil.
Jess hopes that Keith and Whitney dont abandon their marriage as quick as they abandoned the wedding cake task. Rob and Jess did not like Whitney’s attitude during the waitress task.
Rob and Jess felt that the eco message tonight was to do with the teams being in scandinavia but also it had something to do with the ford sponsor. Jess is happy at least they are thinking about it.
Rob and Jess entertained the idea that Jim and Missy could lie about this leg being a non-elimination leg and tell the other teams that they used their save. However they conclude that if the teams found out that they lied it would put them in a bad position.
Jess felt that the ending of the show seemed a little rushed tonight. Rob would have liked if they would have seen a little more of Shelly and Nici.
Good TV power rankings:
- Brooke and Robbie
- Jim and Missy
- Shelly and Nici
- Kim and Ally
After their interview with Phil, Rob and Jess both feel that Phil doesn’t particularly like when teams go on the race when they are very conscious that it is a tv show. They feel like that he prefers when teams go on the race who have never traveled before.
Jess gives Adam and Bethany credit for not getting flustered when they had to switch detours which she cannot say for a few other teams.
Special Thanks to Shane Gallagher for this episode recap