The Circle | Season 1, Episode 2 Recap with Haley Strong: “Face-to-Face”

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The Circle | Season 1, Episode 2 Recap with Haley Strong: “Face-to-Face”

Taran Armstrong (@ArmstrongTaran) is joined by the co-host of The Bachelor and Top Chef RHAP-ups Haley Strong (@hstrong_) to discuss everything from the second episode of season 1 of the new Netflix series The Circle, which was titled “Face-to-Face.”

Taran and Haley discussed their thoughts on Alana’s decision to visit Sammie in her apartment and how they think the visit could impact Sammie’s moves going forward. After seeing The Circle’s video message from Alana, they talk about why the players originally thought Alana was fake and if they think other players will more or less trusting of the genuineness of others.

Taran and Haley then discussed this episode’s game called “Who Dis?,” and how they thought the game could influence the game going forward. They then gave their thoughts on the newest player to join The Circle, Miranda, and her newly-made profile. Finally, they made predictions on how Miranda would give the gift of a private chat to, which will be revealed next episode.

Schedule of The Circle RHAP Season 1 Week 1 Podcasts

  • 1/1 – The Circle | Season 1 Premiere Recap with Rob Cesternino and Taran Armstrong
  • 1/1 – The Circle | Season 1, Episode 2 Recap with Taran Armstrong and Haley Strong
  • 1/1 – The Circle | Season 1, Episode 3 Recap with Taran Armstrong and Aman Adwin
  • 1/2 at 9 PM ET – The Circle | Season 1, Week 1 Roundtable with Rob Cesternino, Taran Armstrong, Mike Bloom, and Jessica Liese

The Circle Release Schedule

  • January 1, 2020 – Episodes 1-4
  • January 8, 2020 – Episodes 5-8
  • January 15, 2020 – Episodes 9-12

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