Survivor: Winners at War Survivor 40 Episode 9 This Week in Survivor with Angie Caunce Rob Cesternino and Angie CaunceApril 13, 2020
Survivor: Winners at War Survivor 40 Character Types with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoFebruary 5, 2020
Survivor: Island of the Idols Survivor 39 Character Types with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoSeptember 24, 2019
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Revealing the Survivor 35 Character Types with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoOctober 7, 2017
Survivor: Game Changers Predicting Game Changers by Character Type with Angie Caunce Rob Cesternino and Angie CaunceMarch 6, 2017
Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Predicting Season 33 by Character Type with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoSeptember 10, 2016
We Know Survivor Drafting for the Winner of a Survivor First Boot Season Rob CesterninoAugust 24, 2016
Survivor: Kaoh Rong Angie Caunce Reveals the Kaoh Rong Character Type Predictions Rob CesterninoFebruary 14, 2016
RHAPpy Hour RHAPpy Hour 28 Survivor Cambodia Episode 13 | with Angie Caunce Jordan ParharDecember 12, 2015
Survivor: Cambodia Survivor 2015: Revealing Cambodia Character Types with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoSeptember 20, 2015
Survivor: Worlds Apart Survivor 2015: Worlds Apart Episode 9 Voicemails with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoApril 19, 2015
Survivor: Worlds Apart Survivor 2015: Character Type Predictions for Worlds Apart with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoFebruary 19, 2015
Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Survivor 2014: Predicting The Season’s Result by Character Type with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoOctober 14, 2014
We Know Survivor Survivor 2014: Predicting Who Will Win Survivor Based on Casting Type with Angie Caunce Rob CesterninoJune 4, 2014