Survivor 40 DEEP DIVE | Adam Klein

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Survivor 40 DEEP DIVE | Adam Klein

In the third of our Survivor: Winners at War post game deep dives, Rob Cesternino sits down with the winner of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X and twelfth-place finisher of Survivor: Winners at War Adam Klein to talk through his entire 23 day journey in the game and 11 days on the Edge of Extinction before his elimination at the second re-entry challenge on day 35. They take questions from the listeners and discuss everything from his time on the initial Sele tribe and swapped Yara tribe, how he felt nearly getting targeted early on, swapping to a tribe with Boston Rob and Ben, targeting Sarah at the merge, and eventually being voted out on day 23 after attempting to find the fleur-de-lis on Jeff’s podium. Adam was a 28-year-old keynote speaker and host from Los Angeles, California when he went to go out to play this time.

Previous Survivor: Winners at War Deep Dives:

  1. 5/22 – Survivor 40 Deep Dive #1 with Rob Cesternino and Kim Spradlin-Wolfe
  2. 5/26 – Survivor 40 Deep Dive #2 with Rob Cesternino, Brice, Izyah, and Wendell Holland (hosted on the Purple Pants Podcast)

“Survivor Winners” Page

  • Check out the new and updated “Survivor Winners” page which covers all winners, including those who played on Survivor: Winners at War (Season 40).
  • Check out the winner page for the winner of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Adam Klein.

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