Why ______ Lost Survivor with David Bloomberg | Ep #13, Season 33

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Each week this season on our Survivor Podcast, Rob will talk with David Bloomberg (@DavidBloomberg and creator of Reality News Online) about why each voted out player “lost the game”. For more on David’s rules of what David’s Survivor rules are, listen to our “What Worlds Apart Survivors Should Have Learned” podcast.

David Bloomberg on Why Will Wahl & Sunday Burquest Lost Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X

To review the short version of David’s Rules, here is the quick version:

Rule 1: Scheme and Plot

Rule 2: Don’t Scheme and Plot Too Much / Keep Your Scheming Secret

Rule 3: Be Flexible

Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You

Rule 5: Pretend to be Nice / Play the Social Game

Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat

Rule 7: Vote out the weak, Then the Strong, Then Weak, Then Strong

Appendix A: Do what it takes to get idols

Appendix B: The Jury Phase


Survivor 33, Episode 13 Recap with Jonathan Penner

Exit Interview with the Latest Player Voted out of Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X, Will Wahl & Sunday Burquest

Survivor 2016: Exit Interview with the Latest Player Voted Off of Surviovr
Survivor 2016: Exit Interview with the Latest Player Voted Off of Survivor

Each Thursday after Survivor, Rob Cesternino talks with the latest player voted out of the game.  Today Rob speaks with the latest players voted out of Season 33, Will Wahl & Sunday Burquest.  Then Jordan Kalish returns, continuing his big new twist that has come to “This Week in Survivor History”.

Watch this week’s LIVE Survivor Know-It-Alls with Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach

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