The Real Love Boat | Ep 9 Recap

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The Real Love Boat | Episode 9 Recap

All aboard! Join Rob Cesternino, Jenny Autumn and Kirsten MacInnis as they get ready to set sail on The Real Love Boat, the newest reality dating show on Paramount+! This week, Rob, Jenny and Kirsten discuss episode 9!

Aboard the ship are 12 singles, ready to take their chances on the high seas to find true love! Hosted by Jerry O’Connell and Rebecca Romijn, the players’ romantic waters will be tested through a series of challenges testing chemistry and compatibility, but at the end, only one couple will win a cash prize and real luxury cruise.

Check out Rob’s preseason interview with Jerry O’Connell to preview The Real Love Boat.

Follow your hosts @RobCesternino @JennyAutumn @Kirstensaidwhat on Twitter, and use #RHAP to share your thoughts on The Real Love Boat.

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