First One Out: Ghost Zero | Chapter 3: “Noble Causes”

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First One Out | Season 2, Episode 3: Meet James, Kellyn, Brendan and Chris

“First One Out,” the Survivor preseason collaboration between The Hollywood Reporter and Rob Has a Podcast, returns for a second season.

In the third chapter of season two, busy bees swarm around the Hotel Naviti. At Ghost Island, Ghost Zero takes a snack break. Four more castaways step into focus: business analyst James Lim, career counselor Kellyn Bechtold, physical education teacher Brendan Shapiro, and male model Chris Noble. The other Ghost Islanders make cameo appearances as well, weighing in with their thoughts on their future allies and rivals.

Will one of James, Kellyn, Brendan and Chris win the game, or will one of them see their “Noble Causes” torn to shreds three days into the game?


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