BB22 | Wednesday 10/28 FINALE Episode Recap
LIVE after the FINALE of Big Brother All-Stars, an RHAP All-Star panel is here to recap it all! Tonight’s Big Brother FINALE recap is hosted by none other than host of the 90 Fiance and The Masked Singer RHAPups, Pooya Zand Vakili! Pooya is joined by Big Brother experts and Live Feed Correspondent, Brent Wolgamott and Melissa Deni, and RHAP Class 0f 2020 rising star, Chantele Francis!
Together, the RHAP panel breaks down the finale of Big Brother All-Stars. They discuss the final 2, the vote, the winner, America’s Favorite Houseguest, and more!
What are your overall thoughts on this season of Big Brother? How do you feel about the winner? What changes are you hoping to see moving forward? Tweet all your BB22 thoughts and questions to @RobHasAPodcast and use the #RHAP!
Follow tonight’s panelists on Twitter:
- Pooya Zand Vakili @Pooyaism
- Brent Wolgamott @OneLuckyGay
- Melissa Deni @itsmelissaaa
- Chantele Francis @Chan___Fran
More Big Brother post-season coverage is coming your way! Keep an eye out for the final exit interviews coming your way later this week.
Catch up on more Big Brother coverage:
BB22 | Monday 10/26 Episode Recap
BB22 | Friday 10/23 Episode Recap & Exit Interview
BB22 | Wednesday 10/21 Episode Recap
BB22 | Monday 10/19 Episode Recap