Why ____ Lost Survivor 38 Premiere RHAPup with David Bloomberg & Jessica Lewis

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David Bloomberg & Jessica Lewis on Why this Week’s Voted Out Season 38 Player Lost Survivor Edge of Extinction.

Each week this season on our Survivor Podcast, David Bloomberg & Jessica Lewis will talk about why each voted out player “lost the game”. For more on David’s rules of what David’s Survivor rules are, listen to our “What Hero, Healer, and Hustler Survivors Should Have Learned”.

This week, David Bloomberg & Jessica Lewis talk about the reasons why Reem Daly lost Survivor Edge of Extinction, Season 38.

The reasons for someone losing Survivor are almost never as obvious as they seem. Reem wasn’t voted off for being “older” or playing the “mom” role. So what did happen? How much of it had to do with her pregame worries that her mouth could get her into trouble, and how much went beyond that? Also, which other players had a good first episode? David and Jessica take everything into account as they explain Why Reem Lost.

To review the short version of David’s Rules, here is the quick version:

Rule 1: Scheme and Plot

Rule 2: But Don’t Scheme and Plot Too Much/Keep Your Scheming Secret/Don’t Backstab Until You Absolutely Need To

Rule 3: Be Flexible!

Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You

Rule 5: Pretend To Be Nice/Play the Social Game (and Keep Your Politics and Controversial Beliefs To Yourself)

Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat

Rule 7: Know How to Deal with Idols and Advantages

Appendix A: Make Your Votes Count – Keep in Mind Your End Goal

Appendix B: The Jury Phase


Join us again next week when we discuss the next player voted out of the game.



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