Jordan is joined by the RHAP live feed correspondents (Alex Kidwell, Brent Wolgamott, and Taran Armstrong) to discuss the special Big Brother edition of the Price is Right. After Alex has to leave due to a poor internet connection, Brent (who was on the Price is Right in 2002: watch?v=_-VJBTHG-gE) fills Taran and Jordan in on the basics of the show as they discuss the decisions made by the former houseguests and their partners in terms of their bidding, and how they did in the games afterwards.
Don’t forget to join Jordan, Alex and Taran LIVE this Saturday at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific for the BBCAN Think Tank! Have a suggestion as to how Big Brother Canada can improve? Tweet Jordan (@jordanparhar) using #bbcanthinktank or send him an email: parharjordan [at] gmail [dot] com