Survivor 39 Premiere Recap with Reem Daly

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Survivor 39 Premiere Recap with Reem Daly

Rob Cesternino is back with the first in-depth recap this season in the first recap show of Survivor: Island of the Idols. This week, Rob is joined by the first boot of Survivor: Edge of Extinction Reem Daly to discuss everything that happened during the season premiere and go through questions submitted by patrons of Rob Has a Podcast.

Rob and Reem discuss their initial reactions to the new group of castaways, the decision to not have a marooning, the first immunity challenge, the entire “Island of the Idols” twist, the Lairo tribe managing to completely snow Ronnie and Aaron at tribal council, the decision to save Elaine, and more.

Schedule of the RHAP Survivor: Island of the Idols Premiere Podcasts

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