Pennercast 4: Jonathan Penner on the Survivor Merge

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This week, the great Jonathan Penner (@SurvivorPenner) returns to Rob Has a Podcast for his triumphant fourth RHAPpearance, not counting his exit interview during Survivor Philippines.


Rob starts off by asking Penner to compare Tyson’s desire to vote out Aras Baskauskas from the game to Jeff Kent’s wish to take out Penner during Survivor Philippines.  Rob and Penner discuss how Tyson Apostol has taken a dominant position in the game at this point.  The rest of the game will now be about how well Tyson is able to manage picking off his allies (done so well by Boston Rob and Kim Spradlin over the past few seasons) vs Tyson’s allies realizing how much control he has at this point in the game.

Rob also talks with Penner about a number of topics which include:

  • Penner’s thoughts on Jonathan’s castmate from Survivor Cook Islands, Candice Cody, returning to the show this season with her husband John Cody.
  • What does Penner think about Redemption Island?
  • What can the remaining alliances in the game do to take control in the second half of the game?
  • Why was Penner so against burning the hidden immunity idol clues this season?
  • Who does Penner think has the ugliest shirt in Survivor history?
  • Who does Penner think is getting the best story so far this season?
  • And what does Penner have to say about his twitter rivalry with Tyson’s girlfriend, Rachel Foulger (@RachelFoulger)

Later in the show, Rob is joined by Sarah Freeman (@ChannonSarah) from to discuss the individual games of all the players and her thought’s on Rob’s recent podcast with Linda Holmes.  Finally, Rob and Sarah listen to your voicemails and answer all of your questions about this week’s episode of Survivor Blood vs. Water

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