Survivor 2015: Corinne Kaplan’s Brutal First Impressions of the Survivor 30 Cast

Corinne Kaplan and her binder return to RHAP to give her brutal first impressions of the Survivor Worlds Apart cast.

Listen to Corinne’s cast assessment from San Juan Del Sur

Listen to Corinne’s cast assessment from Cagayan

A Note from Rob

This podcast is one of the most polarizing shows of the year every time we do it.  We have a lot of listeners who count down for months waiting for this episode and others who wish we wouldn’t do it.  This episode is only for the people who want to hear Corinne give her uncensored opinion of Survivor Worlds Apart cast.  If that’s something you’re not interested in, I implore you to PLEASE skip this episode.  If you start listening to it and find that it’s not for you, check out one of our other podcasts from this week.

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