Survivor 2014: Know-It-Alls Recap the San Juan Del Sur Finale & Reunion

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Recapping the season 29 finale of Survivor San Juan Del Sur “This Is My Time” and winner Natalie Anderson live on December 17, 2014

After an incredible season finale, twinnie Natalie Anderson is the latest Survivor champion! Rob thought this was a very entertaining end to the season, though Stephen is very eager to disagree with him. Stephen thought the final tribal council was perhaps the worst in the show’s history, with bad questions from the jury and equally bad answers from the finalists. He is a very big fan of Natalie’s win though, believing in some ways she played the game like no winner has previously – succeeding through making a lot of small subtle moves, but still a notable presence throughout the entire game. He cites her blindside of Alec as the perfect example of the medium sized moves that proved critical to her success in the game.

Rob agrees to an extent, feeling that the first half of her game was quiet a la a Kim Spradlin, and at one time was in the minority alliance blindsided by the Jeremy boot. He feels though that after the final 9 or so, Natalie kicked things in to overdrive and began playing a great game. Aside from Parvati Shallow, Rob can’t think of another female Survivor player who made as many bold moves as Natalie. Rob also coins the term “ta-da moments” to describe the type of “performing for the jury” game moves like her decision in the finale to play her immunity idol for Jaclyn after reminding the jury that she told Jaclyn who to vote for. This is despite the fact that Rob and Stephen were both initially concerned when Natalie began telling Jeff Probst at the final four tribal council that she thought she could win the game.

Rob and Stephen also find themselves at odds over Reed’s comparison of Missy to the wicked stepmother from a fairy tale at the final tribal council. Stephen didn’t think it was that harsh in reality and was confused by Jeff consoling Missy and Baylor afterwards, although Rob feels this was one of the harsher final tribal council throwdowns in recent memory. Stephen is quick to counter, however, that Brenda asking Dawn to take her teeth out and Erik Reichenbach telling Sherri she did nothing in the game were both only last year.

Rob and Stephen also discuss the reunion and live portions of the finale, in which Jeff interviewed numerous children and showed viewers the daily food intake of an average American. Rob thought that Reed poorly handled Jeff giving him the opportunity to apologize to Missy for his harsh words, feeling that even if you don’t mean it, the move in that situation is to make amends. He also felt that a little too much time was spent teasing the upcoming 30th season “Survivor: Worlds Apart,” which included bringing an audience member on stage to represent each of white, blue, and no collar. Rob feels that anyone watching Survivor in its 29th season is going to watch the next one and more time could have spent actually talking to the contestants from this season

To close out another season of Survivor Know It Alls, Rob and Stephen take your questions for the final time in 2014: did Jeremy’s execution of the “half-Murphy” sway any of his fellow jurors’ votes? Does Stephen think Natalie or Tony Vlachos is a better Survivor winner? With Jaclyn and Missy in the final two, could Jon and Baylor have better used their time at the final tribal council to try to get them votes? And what will Stephen be watching this holiday season on his favorite streaming video service Hulu Plus? Plus, Rob reveals who will win the coveted throw pillow and be named the RHAP Fan Favorite Player of the Season – it’s only on Survivor Know It Alls!

Special thanks to Brendan Noel for tonight’s podcast recap!

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