Road to Reality | Cutting Your Losses with J’Tia Hart

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Road to Reality | Cutting Your Losses with J’Tia Hart

Road to Reality is a limited edition series hosted by Kellyn Bechtold (@theKellynB) from Survivor Ghost Island. Listen in while she interviews former reality TV contestants about how being on TV has had a major impact on their life trajectories.

Episode 4 of Road to Reality features J’Tia Hart from Survivor: Cagayan. Join J’Tia (@JTiaPhd) and Kellyn (@theKellynB) as they start the conversation by getting into the unforgettable rice moment on Cagayan, how an Amazing Race application quickly turned into a spot on Survivor, J’Tia’s experience becoming a nuclear engineer, women in STEM, surviving breast cancer and so much more.

Did you enjoy Road to Reality? Let us know on Twitter by tagging @RobHasAPodcast and @theKellynB stay tuned to the RHAP Survivor feed for more incredible off-season content like this!

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Twitter: @Jtiaphd Instagram: @JTiaPhd

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