Love is Blind 5 Premiere Recap | Nothing But Netflix #98/Love at First Sight Crossover

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Love is Blind 5 Premiere Recap | Nothing But Netflix #98/Love at First Sight Crossover

Nothing But Netflix hosts Rob Cesternino & Chappell are joined by the Love Is Blind on Love at First Sight hosts Aysha Welch & Mary Kwiatkowski to recap the premiere episode of Netflix’s Love Is Blind Season 5, Episode 1.

The series follows fifteen men and fifteen women, all from the same metropolitan area, hoping to find love. The men and women date each other in purpose-built “pods” where they can talk to each other through a speaker but not see each other. They meet only after deciding to get engaged.  After a vacation and living together, the couples meet at the altar, where each participant decides whether or not to say “I do.”

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