Matt Liguori ranks the players each week with his own guest in RHAP’s Survivor Power Rankings. This week Matt is joined by Survivor: Millennials vs. GenX‘s Will Wahl.
- Note: If reading on a cell phone, rotate your device horizontally to read the rankings side-by-side. However, this may not work for some devices with smaller screens.
RHAP Survivor Power Rankings Week 3 with Will Wahl
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m feeling hopeful going into this swap. Storylines have been set up in these first three episodes and it feels like we’re waiting for the floodgates to open so we can see them all play out. We’ve got power couples everywhere, rivalries forming, potential cross-tribal connections, and a bunch of eager players ready to make their marks on the game. A swap is coming and I can’t see any obvious boot candidates for this next vote; things are bound to shake up big time. Around this time last season… nobody would’ve guessed we’d lose Malcolm so early in such an unexpected way. I’m hoping something like that comes out in these next few episodes.
It was a rough week for me, as my winner pick was sent packing only three episodes in. I thought Patrick would’ve had better social skills, given his job requires him to work with people every day to keep his business running smoothly. Between his poor teamwork at the challenge, his level of maturity that kept his tribemates feeling like babysitters, and his obvious attempts at looking for an idol, it’s no surprise he couldn’t even make the swap. I really liked the three episodes of Patrick and I’m hoping when we eventually get a tribe full of pre-merge players, Patrick will round out the group of J’Tia, Zane, Mari, Drew Christy, and Wanda.
This week, I’m joined by the youngest person to play U.S. Survivor, from Survivor: Millennials vs. GenX… Will Wahl! Will is on twitter @window2wahl and I’m @mattliguori, because tweeting is what Millennials do, or something. So tweet us, comment below, do both, do neither, continue daydreaming about Cole, whatever makes you happy.
- A lot of buzz has been generated from the pre-season content about the game-before-the game at Ponderosa. What was your experience like at Ponderosa before you guys hit the beach?
- So I don’t think I can talk about what specifically happened but I can talk about how I felt. Overall it didn’t feel real to me; it just felt like I was going on vacation with a bunch of strangers. It was weird how no one could talk to each other and everyone was just starting and sizing each other up. But for me, I honestly just spent most of the time trying to get my own head in the game. I was running numbers and thinking about whom I could work with and who I couldn’t work with. Once I hit the beach all my preconceived notions disappeared and I found myself playing a completely different game than I anticipated at pre-game ponderosa.
- A tribe swap means the merge is within sight. Who’s the merge boot?
- The merge boot is always tricky to predict. On one hand, you can have a strong physical or strategic player go, or sometimes players decide it should be a simple, easy boot. I personally believe that with all the pairs left in the game, everyone will be trying to protect themselves and their pair. It’s like a high school dance… someone is going to be left awkwardly in the corner without a partner. I believe Roark is that person and she will be the merge boot.
- If the Heroes had gone to another Tribal before the swap, who would’ve gone?
- If the Heroes went to tribal again I believe Alan may have gotten his torch snuffed. While Chrissy did mention that she doesn’t trust Ashley, it seemed like she had a bigger issue with Alan’s unpredictability. Luckily, Alan is still in the game with a chance to turn things around.
- How about the Healers? Who would’ve gone first?
- Joe would have gone. Even though Cole made an awful move telling everyone his plan before the immunity challenge, it seemed like Desi and Roark were on board. While Jessica was angry at the time, I believe she would have calmed down and realized that getting rid of Joe along with his idol was simply the best move.
- You’re pretty familiar with going to rocks. If these players go to rocks at some point, who has Jessica Lewis-levels of bad luck and is tragically sent home?
- This is so hard to call since it is pure luck. I would love to see someone who has an idol pull the rock, as awful as that would be, it would make for great TV. Who knows, maybe Joe will survive a few Tribals just to pull the wrong colored rock and get sent home with an idol in his pocket.
- Finally, three episodes in… who is your pal Adam Klein going to be passing the torch to as the next new-player Survivor winner?
- It’s time we had another Jersey winner and while I think Ryan is playing an amazing game, I believe that sooner or later people will realize how strong a game he is playing. Chrissy, on the other hand, is perfect in that no one suspects her to be as strategic as she really is, plus she has a steady and loyal ally in Ben. I honestly could see both of them in the final two with Chrissy ultimately beating him. She has the chips stacked in her favor and, if the swap goes her way, she is poised to make it to the merge and then much farther.
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I have a feeling we’re going to see Ben towards the top of these rankings more often than not this season. Going into a swap, Ben should be fine; he’s social and strong. Whether he has Chrissy by his side or not, he’ll find a group to vote with and slide right through to the merge.
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1. Ryan
Ryan has been a terrific narrator and player so far. He seems to have a good working relationship with Ali, while still maintaining his duo with Devon. I look at Ryan as a combination of David and Adam. He has the social game of Adam with the strategy of David. My only concern for Ryan is that others will begin to realize just how great he is at Survivor. So far, his name has not been brought up and Ryan has had an easy run to the swap. Will that continue? It all depends on his new tribe.
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Just like Ben, I think Chrissy will find herself ranked highly for the majority of the season. Chrissy’s shown us she has the social and strategic chops to keep on keeping on.
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2. Chrissy
Chrissy and Ryan, the two Jerseyans at the top of my list, am I biased… absolutely. But don’t let that take away from the great work that Chrissy has done in this game. She has had a great social game, going from the bottom to the top of her tribe. She is non-threatening enough at a swap that people will target others over her. And she has her alliance with Ben. If Chrissy and Ben are both at the merge, which I assume will happen, they very well may be the most dangerous pair in this game. Even though Ryan is at the top of this week’s list, I honestly believe Chrissy will win the game.
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It’s not that I think Devon is some great player. He just seems like a really likable guy and there’s no reason to get rid of him while you’re focused on winning challenges to get to the merge.
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3. Ali
Choosing to get rid of Patrick was definitely the best move for Ali’s game. Having someone you know on Survivor CAN be an advantage, unless that person is someone like Patrick. Patrick’s social game was weighing Ali down rather than building her up. Now with Patrick gone, I believe that Ali can make solid bonds and take control of the game. Not to mention her social awareness is on point. If this season does not have a Jersey winner, then I would for sure put my money on Ali.
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Seems like after all, Ryan is the one calling the shots. The relationships he has with the Hustlers are all pretty strong, but with new faces around it’ll be interesting to see if his charm continues to work. Hopefully he swaps onto a tribe with Chrissy. There was so much build up in the first two episodes about that gifted idol; I’d think we have to eventually see them come together.
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4. Ben
Ben is the kind of guy you just want to have a few beers (or soft drinks) with. His inviting personality would definitely make living on an island seem like less of a drag and he seems loyal and strategic enough to contribute to the group. His alliance with Chrissy is doing wonders for his game. I don’t see him going anywhere for awhile, in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him go all the way to the end.
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Red flags popped up this week for one of my favorite players so far this season. Ali has seemed in control and on top of the red tribe, but Ryan made a comment about how they’d pick off Lauren and then Ali and go all boys from there. Lauren didn’t go, so Ali may not be in danger… but perhaps Ryan and Devon aren’t as attached to Ali as it seemed? Ali said this week that she needed Patrick, but she voted him out. What if she was right and she did need him? I’m afraid that decision might come around and bite her in the butt.
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5. Lauren
I love Lauren! Her confessionals last episode were hilarious and described exactly what I was feeling as a viewer. And now that Lauren has survived this vote, I don’t see her going anywhere for a while. She’s a lone vote that any side can use to their advantage, which can be a great position in a swap. If she can find herself in a good alliance, then she will most likely make the merge and potentially even go deep into the game. Her tribe just better make sure to let her play in challenges; she is a centerfielder after all!
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With an idol in his pocket, I’m not too worried about Joe. It seems he’s not the most socially aware person out there, given this week’s food-throwing scene and last week telling Dr. Mike, “You’re one ugly dude.” While I’m still confident in Joe, it seems like a similar trajectory that Patrick had. If he doesn’t notice how people feel when they’re around him, he can find all the idols he wants but it won’t help him in the long run. Stop me if you’ve heard this story before.
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6. Devon
Devon is partnered with the guy running the show. As long as he sticks by Ryan’s side he should be in a decent position. While a swap complicates things for Devon, if he lays low and can provide for his tribe both in camp and in challenges, I think he will be safe for awhile.
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Another quiet week for Roark and Desi. They’ve still yet to go to Tribal, so it’s not like we need to know what they’re thinking, but it would be nice. I have enough confidence in Roark that no matter how she swaps, I think she’ll be okay.
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7. Jessica
Jessica is a solid player who is playing a solid game, not great but not awful either, and her position on this list reflects that. She has been in control of the Healers tribe, along with Cole, but I don’t think that’ll last long considering Cole keeps blurting out crucial information. She’s the kind of player that has a lot of great qualities to play Survivor, but just can’t bring it together. And being aligned with Cole certainly doesn’t help her chances.
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The anticipation of getting to eventually see how Desi plays the game has me excited. I’m ready for it. The day has to come eventually, right? ……right?
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8. Alan
Seeing Alan on my TV screen again brings back fond memories to when I watched him play for the Dallas Cowboys back in middle school. As a Dallas fan, I have to be a fan of Alan! Despite his abysmal social game, he has managed to make it to the swap. I have faith that he can change his social game for the better. If he can calm down a little bit and find himself some new allies, he may have some hope left.
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I’m very impressed with Lauren after seeing her find a way to stay last week. Patrick’s a strong guy and despite his poor teamwork in the challenge, he could’ve been an asset. Lauren’s told us she wanted to get in good with Ali. She built enough of a relationship where Ali and the rest of the tribe saw value in keeping her around and cutting a guy who was unquestionably loyal to them. If she could get through that one, why can’t she keep pushing through?
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9. Dr. Mike
Mike got off to a rough start but people are starting to change their opinion of him. Even Joe, who has been targeting him since day one, said that he is beginning to like Mike. This leads me to believe that Mike has a positive personality around camp. A free agent is great, but a free agent who is easy to get along with is even better! If Mike keeps doing what he’s doing then it’s likely that some alliance will pick him up at some point.
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At least Jessica was able to identify the problem with Cole sharing so much information. I’d think her social skills will be enough to keep her safe through to the merge, but these power couples have been so in-our-face that I can’t help but think one of them won’t make it there still intact.
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10. Cole
Cole is the kind of player I want to see do well, but it won’t happen. His big mouth is getting in the way of any kind of strategy. While Cole has been able to skate by, his words will catch up with him soon. There will come a time when no one will trust him with information. While some people can get by on little info, a physical player like Cole will stand out and will likely be targeted sooner rather than later.
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I’m nervous for the power couples /showmances/whatever you want to call them heading into a tribe swap. If Cole or Jessica end up on a tribe with Joe, Joe may see it as an opportunity to break them up by telling the rest of the tribe that they’re a strong twosome. We saw this week that Cole can’t keep his mouth shut. Knowledge is power… and sharing your knowledge is sharing your power. I hope he’s able to keep his mouth closed heading into the swap. “Hey, Chrissy! Nice to meet you. This is my friend Joe. He has an idol!!! Cool, right?” “Heeeeeey Ryan, have you met Joe? Yeah, we found an idol together. It was awesome!“
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11. Roark
It’s hard to place Roark. She hasn’t gotten much of an edit, which probably means she is either going soon or she may have a small storyline at the merge. For some reason, I have a feeling that she will go right around the merge. Her lack of an alliance makes her an easy target right around this time.
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Guy can’t chop a coconut? Big whoop. Nobody’s out here arguing Alan is the most capable person on the island to play Survivor — at least I hope nobody is. But he’s motivated to keep moving forward and a swap could really help him find some new friends that want to work with him, and maybe open his coconuts for him.
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12. Desi
Like Roark, Desi is a wildcard based on her lack of an edit. Considering it does not seem like she has an alliance, it is plausible to assume she will be an easy target at about the merge just like Roark.
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That meme where there’s a person poking something with a stick saying “C’mon do something” is how I’d describe my feelings towards JP. Just like Alan, I’m going to need you to get to your new tribe and make a couple friends. It’s like a second chance… on day nine. Figure it out with this new tribe or you’ve got no shot at making a long run in this game.
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13. JP
The silent member of the power couple. That is not a good stigma to have and even if it’s not true, perception is reality. The fact that Alan said it and believes it makes it a reality. If Alan goes to his new swap tribe and tells everyone about the “Jashley” power couple, it may be all over for JP. The only thing he has going for him is that he can fish. If he keeps his head down and works hard around camp, he may just hang on for a few Tribals.
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Continuing my thoughts about being nervous for the couples, I think Ashley and JP could be in trouble. She’s pushing too hard for JP to stay. I get that she doesn’t want him to go, but perhaps her approach should’ve been more anti-Alan and less pro-JP. Her best-case scenario would be for her and JP to not end up together after the swap.
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14. Ashley
Ashley has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. In episode 2, Chrissy said that she didn’t trust Ashley, and this episode Ben said he thinks she’s in a power couple with JP. As I said with JP, it doesn’t matter whether these claims are true or not because this is the perception. This coupled with the fact that she seems to have a bigger mouth than JP does not bode well for her going forward. I see her being an easy target for any majority alliance.
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I’m not sure what’s going on with Mike. What I do know is the last few weeks we’ve been reminded that Joe and Mike aren’t on the same page. If Mike were to go, we would totally understand why, because there’s been so much build up. I don’t think both of those guys make the merge so I’m excited to see who comes out on top.
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15. Joe
Joe’s personality is as raw as those potatoes. He tells it like it is and that’s not a winning social game in Survivor. Not to mention Joe is way too arrogant way too early. Although some will compare him to Tony, I’d rather compare him to JT from Game Changers, going out with an idol in his pocket pre-merge. Arrogance and an idol don’t mix well, which makes me believe that he is not long for this game.
Matt’s Power Rankings By Week