Big Brother VIP Australia Week 2 Recap

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Sarah Carradine @sarahcarradine and Aimee Chan @survivortragic recap the week 2 episodes of Big Brother Australia VIP. Twelve celebrities live together in Big Brother’s VIP Hotel with no communication with the outside world, as they compete for a $100,000 prize for the charity of their choosing. The celebrity housemates will compete in challenges for power and safety before voting each other out of the house. When only three housemates remain, the Australian public will vote to decide which finalist would win the game and the grand prize.
This week’s episodes, and this podcast, touch on subjects of drug addiction, suicide, grief and mental health. If you could do with some help, in Australia call Lifeline on 131114 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636; in the US call 800-273-8255; and in Canada call 833-456-44566. Find resources in other countries by googling crisis support services.
It’s Transgender Awareness Week from November 13th to 19th. You can go to Trans Pride Australia for information and support for trans people, partners, parents & carers, and allies, or to donate.

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