The Bachelorette

Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 4: New Sparks in Newport and a War of the Lukes

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Amy and Haley are joined by Taylor Cotter to recap The Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 4, as Hannah Brown goes on a one on one date with Jed, a rugby group date, and a one on one date with Tyler C.
In this podcast, they talk about:
  • the start of the travel dates as the guys head to Newport, Rhode Island and Boston, Massachusetts
  • the one on one date with Jed visiting Quincy Market in Boston, the Cheers bar, and the Boston Celtics at the Auerbach Center
  • Jed telling Hannah he originally came on the show for a platform for his music
  • The rugby group date with Dylan, Matteo, John Paul Jones, Connor, Garrett, Kevin, Dustin, Devin, Grant, Peter, Mike, Luke S., and Luke P.
  • Kevin injuring his shoulder
  • Luke P bodyslamming Luke S on the rugby field
  • Garrett getting the group date rose
  • Tyler’s one-on-one with Hannah on a lobster boat
  • Tyler helping Hannah feel better and sharing a story about his dad
  • Luke P’s discussion with Hannah about Luke S
  • Peter asking Hannah to be his girlfriend
  • the commercials with Nick Viall for Halo Top and Ashley and Jared for Always Be My Maybe
  • the To Be Continued ending
  • Listener questions, takes from Doug and more!

Amy and Haley provide an update of draft results- Amy has the lead with 94, Haley is in second with 73 and Mary is in third with 50. No one was eliminated this episode. Follow Scorekeeper George on Twitter (@GeorgeCTV) for full draft point results this week.

Follow Amy (@RHAPrecapper), Haley (@hstrong_), and Taylor (@taylorcotter) on Twitter and share your thoughts in the comments!

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