The Bachelorette

Bachelorette Season 12 | Finale and After the Final Rose

Amy and Haley chat about The Bachelorette Season 12 finale and After The Final Rose special.
In this podcast, they talk about:
  • Robby Hayes and Jordan Rodgers meeting the JoJo’s parents and brother
  • Robby and Jordan’s final dates with JoJo
  • Robby asking JoJo’s parents for blessing but Jordan not doing it during the family visit
  • Robby and Jordan’s letters to JoJo
  • Robby and Jordan’s ring selections
  • JoJo’s final decision between Robby and Jordan
  • JoJo’s engagement and proposal
  • Chris questioning Jordan about Aaron
  • Chad getting more airtime on After the Final Rose
  • JoJo’s thoughts on the next Bachelor
  • listener questions and more!
Amy and Haley provide updates on the draft. Haley ends up with the win! Amy gets second and Jordan Parhar winds up in last place. Follow George on Twitter (@GeorgeCTV) for full draft point results for the week.

Follow Amy (@RHAPRecapper) and Haley (@hstrong_) on Twitter!

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