The Bachelor

Bachelor Winter Games Week 2 Recap with Diggy Moreland

Listen to the Podcast

Amy and Haley recap the final week of The Bachelor Winter Games and World Tells All aftershow with Diggy Moreland from The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise (@DiggyMoreland).
In this podcast, they talk about:
  • Diggy’s overall thoughts on Winter Games and why we didn’t see him on the show
  • the performance of Diggy’s fellow castmates from the Bachelorette on the show, including Dean, Josiah, Eric and Jamey
  • the kissing competition including Josiah and Ally, Dean and Lesley, and Kevin and Ashley
  • the mass exodus of the singles and weaker couples from the show including Clare and Christian, Ben, Yuki, and Bibiana and Jordan
  • the lively events of the World Tell All aftershow
  • reaction to Luke Pell’s dismissal of Stassy after the show
  • Clare and Benoit’s proposal and engagement
  • Dean’s maturation process during the show and his relationship with Lesley
  • thoughts on the remaining couples: Kevin and Ashley, Clare and Benoit, Dean and Lesley, and Lily and Courtney
  • audience questions and more!
Follow Diggy (@DiggyMoreland), Amy (@RHAPrecapper) and Haley (@hstrong_) on Twitter and share your thoughts in the comments!

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