Wrestling RHAPUp | The Weird Wacky Wonderful World of Wrestling

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Wrestling RHAPUp | The Weird Wacky Wonderful World of Wrestling

This week Mari is joined by her Crime Seen co-host Sarah Carradine and returning guest Taurean, to talk about the wacky shenanigans going on in this week of wrestling. We also talk about how dynamic the Smackdown women’s division has become.
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  • Did Judgment Day mend their rift?
  • Bianca opens the show and then it is announce the Women’s Championship match will main event Smackdown
  • Raquel and Liv say they are ready to take on Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green
  • Three words:Thank You Trish
  • Ricochet and Logan Paul go toe to toe on the mic
  • The Alpha Academy celebrate Maxxine’s graduation
  • LA Knight is gunning for the US Championship
  • What does Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits have up their sleeves?
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Get in touch:
Mari Forth – @MariTalks2Much
Sarrah Carradine-@Sarahcarradine
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