Wrestling RHAPUp | The Final Boss

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Wrestling RHAPUp | The Final Boss

Survivor Cook Islands’ Billy Garcia joins Mari and Matt in the lead up to Wrestlemania XL to talk all things CM Punk and his edgy promo with Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre, as well as Jade Cargill’s official Smackdown debut, and The Rock’s boss-like assault of Cody Rhodes.

Watch the playlist of clips to catch up before listening to the podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQHmTNSAJHpjlUXO_6ztbJwZFzK2pBFXd&feature=shared

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8:00 – CM Punk inserts himself into the Seth vs Drew match at Wrestlemania
30:00 – The Rock bloodies Cody Rhodes but was it really a hit sent out by the Tribal Chief?
58:00 – The Storm is here! Jade is officially on Smackdown and she’s here to help Naomi/Bianca vs Damage Control

Get in touch:
Mari Forth – @MariTalks2Much
Matt Scott – @MattScottGW
Billy Garcia – @REALBillyGarcia

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WWE: https://youtube.com/c/WWE

AEW: https://youtube.com/c/AEW

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