Wrestling RHAPup | Summer is heating up

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Wrestling RHAPup | Summer is heating up

The pro wrestling podcasting duo, Mari Forth and Matt Scott, are back in the wake of Money in the Bank and on the road to “the biggest party of the summer”, Summerslam! This week, Mari and Matt are joined by none other than Jacob Jones and Chappell (aka Create a RHAPsler “C-Dawg”) to talk about #WWE, #NXT and all of the latest ongoings in the world of wrestling.

Here is a playlist of clips relevant to this week’s show:


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Get in touch:
Mari Forth – @MariTalks2Much
Matt Scott – @MattScottGW
Jacob Jones – @JacobJ_Jones
Chappell – @Chappells_Show

Become a Rob Has A Podcast (RHAP) Patron, and tell Rob we sent you: robhasawebsite.com/patreon

Watch or listen to Black Voices of RHAP, featuring all of today’s podcasters: robhasawebsite.com/black-voices-rhap/

For additional video clips, follow the top wrestling products on YouTube.





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