Wrestling RHAPup | Bait and Switch

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Wrestling RHAPup | Bait And Switch

On the heels of the WWE Royal Rumble, Matt Liguori takes a break from the Choir Room (@ChoirRoomPod) to join Matt and Mari in the squared circle! They talk convoluted promos by Ronda Rousey, the Royal Rumble, Lita’s grand WWE run, this week in wrestling news, and more.

#WWE #RoyalRumble #WWERaw #Smackdown #NXT

Here is a playlist of clips we discuss in this week’s episode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXkq_YuIh3bndSILQyXw8GHWpxez42bBl

0:00 Start
4:00 Sami Zayn crashes the Jackass premiere!
9:00 Is Keith Lee going to AEW?
13:00 Nia Jax explains why she was released
36:00 Recapping the Royal Rumble
47:00 Breaking down each Rumble match
1:24:00 Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar square off in the fallout from Royal Rumble
1:35:00 Becky Lynch squares off with Ronda Rousey and LITA!
1:43:00 Ronda Rousey challenges Charlotte Flair for Wrestlemania
1:54:00 A quick mention of NXT 2.0, Mandy Rose and Kay Lee Ray
2:02:00 Which MTV Challenge cast members would be the best pro wrestlers?

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Get in touch on Twitter:
Mari Forth – @MariTalks2Much
Matt Scott – @MattScottGW
Matt Liguori – @MattLiguori

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For additional video clips, follow the top wrestling products on YouTube.

WWE: https://youtube.com/c/WWE
AEW: https://youtube.com/c/AEW

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