The Traitors Canada | Episode 6 Exit Interviews

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The Traitors Canada | Episode 6 Exit Interviews

Traitors Around the World podcast host Pooya (@pooyaism) welcomes you to the latest iteration of the world’s ultimate murder mystery party series! This time around, we’re headed north to witness the series premiere of The Traitors: Canada. Twenty contestants, a mix of reality TV stars, Canadian icons and ordinary folks, move into a mansion and are split into two groups: the Faithful, and the Traitors. As the mystery plays out, contestants are eliminated until just one is left to claim to prize of up to $250,000!

This week, Pooya and Brian Scally are joined by the 10th player eliminated from the game, Kevin Martin, PLUS a belated interview with the 8th player eliminated, Miss Fiercalicious.

Subscribe to the Traitors Around the World podcast feed for all upcoming Traitors Canada recaps plus recaps from other versions around the world!

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