And now for something completely different. Rob Cesternino talks with Judy Swartz who has compiled a list of the 9 most VILE things that ever happened on Survivor. As Judy rattles off her list, Rob then attempts to rank them from most vile to least vile in a very unsettling podcast.
The 9 Most Vile Moments in Survivor History are (in chronological order) are:
- The Pagong tribe eats rats in the first season of Survivor.
- Mike Skupin kills a boar and then marks his face with the boar’s blood in Survivor: Australia.
- Mike Skupin burns the skin off his hands in the fire in Survivor: Australia.
- Boston Rob can’t keep down the farfaru in an early immunity challenge in Survivor: Marquesas.
- Kathy has to urinate on John Carroll’s hand after being stung by a sea urchin in Marquesas.
- Shane Powers’ chaffing causes him to get a rash in an awkward place in Survivor: Exile Island.
- Jonathan Penner’s knee becomes incredibly infected during Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites.
- Tarzan’s underwear features an unusual stain which is either dirt or something else in Survivor: One World.
- Katie Collins’ feet become so water-logged that her toenail falls off on Survivor: Blood vs Water.
Listen to the podcast to hear if you agree with Rob’s ranking of the most vile moments and post your own lists in the comments section below.
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