The Circle | Season 1, Episode 7 Recap with Pooya: “Picking Teams”

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The Circle | Season 1, Episode 7 Recap with Pooya: “Picking Teams”

Taran Armstrong (@ArmstrongTaran) is joined by the co-host of The Masked Singer RHAP-up Pooya (@Pooyaism) to discuss everything from the seventh episode of season 1 of the new Netflix series The Circle, which was titled “Picking Teams.”

First, Taran and Pooya gave their thoughts on Sean and Bill’s newly made profiles and discuss how they could impact all of the moves going forward. After watching the these two new players chat with the others, they talked about the effects these chats had on the whole game.

Taran and Pooya then discussed this episode’s game called “Game Night” and how they thought the game could influence the game going forward. Finally, they made predictions on how this game will affect the rest of the game.

Then, they discuss the new ratings of The Circle, where they make predictions on who the two new Influencers will keep safe and who they will end up blocking.

Schedule of The Circle RHAP Season 1 Week 2 Podcasts

The Circle Release Schedule

  • January 1, 2020 – Episodes 1-4
  • January 8, 2020 – Episodes 5-8
  • January 15, 2020 – Episodes 9-12

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