The Circle | Season 1, Episode 5 Recap with Aman Adwin: “Sliding into DMs”

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The Circle | Season 1, Episode 5 Recap with Aman Adwin: “Sliding into DMs”

Taran Armstrong (@ArmstrongTaran) is joined by the co-host of Are You the One? RHAP-up Aman Adwin (@AmanAdwin) to discuss everything from the fifth episode of season 1 of the new Netflix series The Circle, which was titled “Sliding into DMs.”

Taran and Aman gave their thoughts on Adam’s decision to chat with three of the four women in the game before the dinner date and how they think the chat could impact both all of them moves going forward. After watching the four players chat, Taran and Aman discussed the final decision Adam made of who to bring on the dinner date. Later, they predicted how they think the next set of ratings will turn out.

Taran and Aman then discussed this episode’s game called “Hashtag This” and how they thought the game could influence the game going forward. Finally, they made predictions on how this game will affect the rest of the game.

Schedule of The Circle RHAP Season 1 Week 2 Podcasts

  • 1/8 – The Circle | Season 1, Episode 5 Recap with Taran Armstrong and Aman Adwin
  • 1/8 – The Circle | Season 1, Episode 6 Recap with Taran Armstrong and Rob Cesternino
  • 1/8 – The Circle | Season 1, Episode 7 Recap with Taran Armstrong and Pooya Zand Vakili
  • 1/9 at 9 PM ET – The Circle | Season 1, Week 2 Roundtable with Rob Cesternino, Taran Armstrong, Ali Lasher, and Jenny Autumn

The Circle Release Schedule

  • January 1, 2020 – Episodes 1-4
  • January 8, 2020 – Episodes 5-8
  • January 15, 2020 – Episodes 9-12

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