Survivor 45 | Ep 7 Know-It-Alls

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Survivor 45 | Episode 7 Know-It-Alls

Coming to you LIVE the day after the airing of Survivor 45, the Survivor Know-It-Alls are back!

Survivor Know-It-Alls is RHAP’s staple Survivor strategy podcast. Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) and Stephen Fishbach (@StephenFishbach) host the show, providing in-depth analysis of the game at large, commentary on the social dynamics between castaways and make predictions for the rest of the season. Both two-time former Survivor players, Rob and Stephen offer a unique perspective into the game of Survivor, throughout all eras.

Today, Rob and Stephen are LIVE to take listener questions as they break down everything that happened in episode 7 of Survivor season 45! Join in as they discuss the exciting double tribal council.

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