Survivor 44 | Why ___ Lost Ep 6 with Dr. David Voce

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Survivor 44 | Why ___ Lost Ep 6 with Dr. David Voce

Survivor 41’s Dr. David Voce returned as a special guest to join David Bloomberg and Jessica Lewis so he could discuss what happened with a fellow surgeon in the game! Josh has accomplished a lot in his life and seems to be a very nice guy outside the game. Inside the game, people had a lot of concerns about him. Josh said in his final words and then in his postgame interviews that he was seen as a threat but many people were scratching their heads about that one. How was he a threat if everyone on both his original tribe and his swap tribe wanted him gone? Most importantly, though, why did everyone feel that way? What was the thread that connected all the issues he had in the game? David, Jessica, and Voce tie it all together as they figure out Why Josh Lost.

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