On Sunday night, the Final Five women left in Survivor battled it out to see who would the winner of Survivor: One World. When the dust settled, Kim Spradlin was this season’s winner by a 7-2-0 margin. All Five of the Finalists, Kim Spradlin, Sabrina Thompson, Chelsea Meissner, Alicia Rosa and Christina Cha join Rob Cesternino and Nicole to talk about their adventure on this season of Survivor.
Kim Spradlin: Interview starts at 1:35
Rob welcomes this season’s winner Kim Spradlin to talk to her about her game this season. Rob wants to know at what point did Kim come to the same realization that he did… that no matter what she did or who she took to the end, she was going to win the game? Rob wants to know how much of a Survivor education did Kim have before she came into the game. Rob also wants to know if Kim ever got to find out what the right answer was to the question that Troyzan had for her at the final tribal council. We also find out if Kim ever told anybody else besides Chelsea if she had the hidden immunity idol. Rob and Nicole ask Kim if she could tell us what animals the rest of The One World cast look like and Rob talks to Kim about if she would return to play in an all-star edition of Survivor and how she might fare against the best of the best.
Sabrina Thompson: Interview starts at 18:10
Rob and Nicole welcome Sabrina to the show and ask her if she ever contemplated getting rid of Kim at some point in the game. Sabrina explains that she really felt like Chelsea, Kim and herself were a tight knit group and to her it didn’t matter who ended up winning the game. Rob wants to know how much Sabrina knew that Kim was going out and making other deals with the other players. Sabrina didn’t really ever feel that Kim was going to defect from her threesome. Sabrina also shares some touching stories about the school district that she’s working in and the role that fate played in her Survivor experience.
Chelsea Meissner: Interview starts at 33:50
Chelsea joins Rob and Nicole and is under the impression that people think she was really bitchy on the show. Rob and Nicole try to put her at ease that they didn’t really feel that way. Rob wants to know if Chelsea really knew how much Kim was trying to go outside of the alliance in the game. Rob and Nicole bring up how Chelsea was so moved by Tarzan’s speech (Tarzan was shaved, but still kept the signature moustache) and they want to know if Chelsea was ever involved in a showmance with Jay Byars, but Chelsea says that they were just friends.
Alicia Rosa & Christina Cha: Interview starts at 50:30
As they were checking out of their respective hotel rooms, Alicia and Christina join Rob and Nicole. Rob asks Alicia whether her and Christina have buried the hatchet with each other. Both of the women say that they’ve been able to move on from their fighting that took place in the early part of the game. Rob asks Alicia about some of the key errors she made in the game, specifically voting out Tarzan at Final 6 and Kat at Final 7 – essentially handing the game over to Kim. Alicia also reveals that she has a new single that is dropping on itunes and Chrisitna Cha pushes her to sing for us.
[audio:http://traffic.libsyn.com/robcesternino/2012-05-14-final5.mp3]![]() |
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This is the 101st podcast of 2012 and the 332nd episode of all-time of Rob Has a Podcast