It’s Black Friday and Rob Cesternino and Nicole wake up from their turkey and wine induced coma to bring you an all-Survivor edition of Rob Has a Web Show. Today Rob and Nicole will be talking with Jeff Pittman from the Survivor website True Dork Times.
Rob and Nicole recap how their thanksgiving was. Nicole kept her promise to make macaroni before she served a Thanksgiving turkey. Meanwhile Rob was very fixated on discussing a Very Gaga Thanksgiving, which was the ABC holiday special produced by Lady Gaga. Rob also mentions an internet report where Lady Gaga has selected Tony Bennett to draw a picture of her naked.
After discussing some of the latest Black Friday deals from, Rob and Nicole begin to discuss the recap episode of Survivor. Rob thinks that the Survivor South Pacific recap show, dubbed “A Closer Look”, was particularly telling. Rob thinks that there were several winners and losers from the recap show.
Jeff Pittman is able to join the discussion and reveals the findings of his new Sabre-metric Survivor rating system. Jeff says that the two players that are grading the best are none other than Coach Ben Wade and Brandon Hantz. Rob can’t believe that Brandon would score so highly, but wouldn’t be surprised to see Brandon finish in second place.
Jeff says that recap show focused entirely on Coach, Brandon and John Cochran which leads him to believe that this will be the final three of the show. In this scenario, Coach would surely be the winner.
Among the other things that we learned on the recap show was tips for picking up chicks from Papa Bear, Coach doesn’t like Mikayla Wingle very much and Cochran was not quite potty trained at the age of 5.
Later in the show the other Survivor topics that were discussed included what is holding up a podcast with Boston Rob Mariano, What is the best move for Sophie Clarke and who is most likely to be voted out of the tribe next.
Brace yourself, it’s a bit of a bumpy ride due to some technical glitches… but hey, it beats the hell out of getting pepper sprayed!
Show Links:
True Dork Times: Survivor Website curated and created by Jeff Pittman