Jonathan Penner on Cochran’s Mutiny and Ozzy 3.0

Whitney Duncan and Dawn Meehan from Survivor South Pacific[/caption]

Jonathan Penner is a two-time Survivor player as a contestant appearing on Survivor Cook Islands and Survivor Fans vs Favorites. In both seasons, Jonathan played on the same tribe as Ozzy Lusth. Jonathan joins Rob Cesternino to discuss what he’s seeing this season.

As usual, we spend a lot of time talking about John Cochran who was finally voted out of the tribe. Many people believe that Cochran’s decision to flip on the Savaii tribe was one of the worst moves in Survivor history but Rob still doesn’t think it was that bad since Cochran was never in a good position to begin with.

Penner discusses how the decision to mutiny against his tribe was somewhat similar to the decision that Cochran was forced to make around the same time in the game. Penner also faced a rather fierce backlash from the members of his original tribe, just as Cochran did. Penner said that he didn’t have a problem with what Cochran did because he was doing what he set out to do all along, just be a person who made a big impact on the show.

Rob and Penner discuss Jonathan’s thought on the third incarnation of Ozzy Lusth on Survivor. Penner has not been too impressed with how Ozzy is doing this time around and has some criticism of Ozzy’s social game. Penner doesn’t believe that Ozzy has learned too much about how to play the game over the tenure of his three seasons.

Penner also discusses his opinions on Brandon Hantz which are not much better than the opinions he has about Russell Hantz. Penner also answers several questions from the audience including the topic of being surpassed as the all-time leading single season vote receiver by Phillip last season.

Finally, Rob is re-joined by Nicole to talk about the twitter war going on between Russell Hantz and his nephew, Brandon Hantz. Plus, Rob and Nicole discuss alternate timelines, Gary Hogeboom’s place in Survivor and NFL History and the Jeff Probst out-of-context inappropriate line of the week.

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