Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island Pre-Season Interviews, Part 3

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Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island Pre-Season Interviews, Part 3

Survivor South Africa RHAPup hosts Mike Bloom and Shannon Guss were given the chance to exclusively send questions to the cast of Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island, and now they’re previewing the season 8 cast in a four-part pre-season series.
In this third part, they talk to the final five men from the cast: Mike Laws, Paul Cupido, Renier Louwrens, Shaun Wilson and Tyson Zulu.
Interviews with time codes:
7m: Mike Laws, 32, Lawyer from Cape Town
52m: Paul Cupido, 29, Aftercare Teacher from Johannesburg
1h11m: Renier Louwrens, 30, Chemical Engineer from Secunda
1h43m: Shaun Wilson, 40, I.T. entrepreneur from Cape Town
2h5m: Tyson Zulu, 24, Creative Director and entrepreneur from Johannesburg

Check out the other Previews!

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