International Survivor RHAPup

Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island | Episode 1 RHAPup & Exit Interview | Rob Bentele

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Survivor South Africa RHAPup hosts Mike Bloom and Shannon Guss invite Survivor SA legend Rob Bentele onto the podcast to discuss the first episode of Immunity Island, including analysis of the big move, clarification around some of the twists and a Bio-Strath-less Bio-Strath variety hour. Then Mike chats to this week’s eliminated contestant.
Survivor International RHAPup Podcasts with Shannon Gaitz & Mike Bloom.
Survivor International RHAPup Podcasts with Shannon Gaitz & Mike Bloom.
Survivor International RHAPups, Shannon Gaitz, Nick Iadanza

Australian Survivor, Survivor NZ & Survivor SA Recap Podcasts and Interviews

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